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Migrate from v0 to v1 (Rewrite)


From an end user's perspective, there are a few major changes that will prevent and existing sim from running

  • restart is removed. Instead, to repeat the rotation, wrap the rotation in a while loop like the below example. (This also allows for abiltities that are only used in the first rotation to be used while still telling the sim to repeat):
while 1 {
# rotation goes in here

  • wait 10; has been changed to a function call. They should be replaced with wait(10); for the same functionality.

  • mode=apl has been removed. APL based sims will no longer run. This will be added back as a functionality at a later date. In the mean time, its functionality can be replicated with the use of combined if and else statments.

New Features

  • The entire config language (now known as gcsl) has been completely revamped to introduce new scripting features such as variables, arithmetic and logic operations, loops and control statement, and functions.
    Note that while these language features are available, the are not required for you to write sims.
  • Hitlag has been implemented.
  • Animation system has been reworked to remove the previous bug that caused all character actions to take 2 frames longer than intended.
  • Almost all characters have had their frames completely recounted and include features such as dash and jump frames, as well as cancels.

Actually Migrating

SL sims (The Majority of Sims)

While the optimisation of sims will have to be redone, the migration itself is a very simple process. Only the action list will have to be changed. Simply delete restart and nest the rotation in a while loop.

For example, consider the below sim.

options swap_delay=12 debug=true iteration=1000 duration=107 workers=30 mode=sl;
target lvl=100 resist=.1;
energy every=3 amount=1;

raiden char lvl=90/90 cons=0 talent=9,9,9;
raiden add weapon="thecatch" refine=5 lvl=90/90;
raiden add set="tenacityofthemillelith" count=4;
raiden add stats hp=4780 atk=311.0 er=0.518 cr=0.3110 electro%=0.4660;
raiden add stats def=39.36 def%=0.124 hp=507.88 hp%=0.0992 atk=33.08 atk%=0.1984 er=0.1102 em=39.64 cr=0.331 cd=0.7944 ;

xingqiu char lvl=90/90 cons=6 talent=9,9,9;
xingqiu add weapon="amenomakageuchi" refine=5 lvl=90/90;
xingqiu add set="emblemofseveredfate" count=4;
xingqiu add stats hp=4780 atk=311.0 atk%=0.4660 cr=0.3110 hydro%=0.4660;
xingqiu add stats def=39.36 def%=0.124 hp=507.88 hp%=0.0992 atk=33.08 atk%=0.1984 er=0.1102 em=39.64 cr=0.331 cd=0.7944 ;

bennett char lvl=90/90 cons=6 talent=9,9,9;
bennett add weapon="thealleyflash" refine=1 lvl=90/90;
bennett add set="noblesseoblige" count=4;
bennett add stats hp=4870 atk=311 er=0.518 cr=0.311 pyro%=0.466;
bennett add stats def=39.36 def%=0.124 hp=507.88 hp%=0.0992 atk=33.08 atk%=0.0992 er=0.2204 em=39.64 cr=0.331 cd=0.7944 ;

xiangling char lvl=90/90 cons=6 talent=9,9,9;
xiangling add weapon="dragonsbane" refine=3 lvl=90/90;
xiangling add set="emblemofseveredfate" count=4;
xiangling add stats hp=4780 atk=311.0 er=0.518 cr=0.3110 pyro%=0.4660;
xiangling add stats def=39.36 def%=0.124 hp=507.88 hp%=0.0992 atk=33.08 atk%=0.0992 er=0.1102 em=79.28 cr=0.331 cd=0.7944 ;

active raiden;

raiden attack, skill;
xingqiu skill, burst, attack;
bennett burst, attack, skill;
xiangling burst, attack, skill, attack;
raiden burst, attack:14;
bennett skill;
xiangling attack:3;

Only the last bit needs to be changed:

raiden attack, skill;
xingqiu skill, burst, attack;
bennett burst, attack, skill;
xiangling burst, attack, skill, attack;
raiden burst, attack:14, skill;
bennett skill;
xiangling attack:3;

It should be replaced with the following. Remember to delete the restart.

while 1 {
raiden attack, skill;
xingqiu skill, burst, attack;
bennett burst, attack, skill;
xiangling burst, attack, skill, attack;
raiden burst, attack:14;
bennett skill;
xiangling attack:3;


Of course there are some easy refinements to this. For example, with the ability to have a unique first rotation, we can take Raiden's Skill out and have her refresh at the end of her Burst instead.

raiden attack, skill;
while 1 {
xingqiu skill, burst, attack;
bennett burst, attack, skill;
xiangling burst, attack, skill, attack;
raiden burst, attack:14, skill;
bennett skill;
xiangling attack:3;

APL Migration

As of now, there is no clean way to migrate APL to the new format. But as APL is really just a bit else if statement, we can recreate it with else and if functions.

For example, if we had a simple apl like below:

fischl attack, skill +if=.status.fischloz==0;
fischl attack, burst +if=.status.fischloz==0;
sucrose attack;

Then would replace it with the below:

while 1 {
if .status.fischloz==0 && (.ready.fischl.skill || .ready.fischl.burst) {
fischl attack
if .ready.fischl.skill {
fischl skill;
} else {
fischl burst;
} else {
sucrose attack;

Have fun.